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Percentage 'of'

Frequently, we need to express one quantity as a percentage of another.

Here is an example where we colour different percentages of a set of 20 stars.

Twenty clear stars in a row

  1. If 100% of the stars are to be orange,
    \begin{align}100\%\ \text{of}\ 20&=\dfrac{100}{100}×20\\\\ &=1×20\\\\ &=20\end{align} We colour 20 out of the 20 stars.
    Twenty coloured stars in a row
    100% of 20 is 20.
  2. If 50% of the stars are to be orange,
    \begin{align}50\%\ \text{of}\ 20&=\dfrac{50}{100}×20\\\\ &=\dfrac{1}{2}×\dfrac{20}{1}\\\\ &=\dfrac{20}{2}\\\\ &=10\end{align} We colour ten out of the 20 stars.
    Twenty stars in a row, 10 coloured and 10 clear
    50% of 20 is ten.

  3. If 10% of the stars are to be orange,
    \begin{align}10\%\ \text{of}\ 20 &=\dfrac{10}{100}×20\\\\      &=\dfrac{1}{10}×\dfrac{20}{1}\\\\      &=\dfrac{20}{10}\\\\       &=2\end{align}We colour two out of the 20 stars.
    Twenty stars in a row, 2 coloured and 18 clear.
    10% of 20 is two.
  4. If 5% of the stars are to be orange,
    \begin{align}5\%\ \text{of}\ 20&=\dfrac{5}{100}×20\\\\   &=\dfrac{1}{20}×\dfrac{20}{1}\\\\   &=\dfrac{20}{20}\\\\   &=1\end{align} We colour one out of the 20 stars.
    Twenty stars in a row, 1 coloured and 19 clear
    5% of 20 is one.
  5. If 35% of the stars are to be orange,
    \begin{align}35\%\ \text{of}\ 20&=\dfrac{35}{100}×20\\\\      &=\dfrac{35}{100}×\dfrac{20}{1}\\\\       &=\dfrac{35}{5}×\dfrac{1}{1}\\\\         &=7\end{align} We colour seven out of 20 stars.
    Twenty stars in a row, 7 coloured and 13 clear.
    35% of 20 is seven.


To calculate the percentage of an amount, we convert the percentage to a fraction and multiply. The word 'of' tells us to multiply fractions.